Exerpts From Work, Sex, Money - Chogyam Trungpa

We’d like our everyday problems, like wicked witches, to melt through prayer and meditation.What are the chances for this kind of happy-ever-after solution? Not so good. A nagging feeling tells us that we are stuck with our lives and with ourselves.The best prescription is a dose of reality and a dose of respect for ourselves and our world of work, sex, and money.

Enter Chögyam Trungpa with a book that celebrates the sacredness of life and our ability to cope with its twists and turns with dignity, humor, and even joy. There are, in fact, few definitive answers in these pages. There is, however, lots of authentic wisdom offered, rather than pseudo words of wisdom or dogma. Instead, the author is providing us with tools to work with the toughest stuff in our lives. - Editor

We don’t want to undermine the culture. Cultural situations provide a focal point, a focus for us to relate with.

The more you involve yourself with society, the more experiences you have, the more workable situations will become. The intensity of your engagement brings space. The more intensity there is, that brings out more space. When you involve yourself with situations such as the overpopulation and the overpowering experience of being in the city, your involvement acts as a guardian. It helps others. It helps to protect them, because you refuse to abandon them. You can find inspiration within work, within sex, within money. Within those things, you can find a connection to the sacredness of society.

However, from the genuine spiritual point of view, as opposed to an idealized viewpoint, society is an extremely potent arena, full of vibrant qualities of energy.

We can see how we might contribute something to society, or at least how we could work along with it. If we look at it in the concrete terms of work, sex, and money, society is not entirely dry and sterile; it is not insignificant for us.

Work, sex, and money are actually the energy outlet of society, its energy radiation, the expression of its sacredness.

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